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American Crossword «Cossack chieftain»

Section: American Crosswords
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Date: 3-04-2020, 15:39
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American Crossword «Cossack chieftain» is a favorite intellectual game of people in many countries of the world. It is believed that the crossword puzzle broadens the mind of the reader and develops his erudition. Successful and complete solving a crossword puzzle requires considerable knowledge and reference to sources in the form of dictionaries, encyclopedias and atlases.

Types of Crosswords

Very often, the «geographical» name does not carry any semantic load:
“American crossword” is a puzzle that combines the rules of the classic and “Japanese crossword”, while in the USA and Japan there really are crosswords that are different from European ones, but they are still crosswords, albeit with a few additional rules. In the American version of the crossword puzzle, all cells should be at the intersection of words. So the grid is not sparse, as in European, but dense, as in Scandinavian crosswords. True, the compilers of these crosswords do not consider it’s shameful to use abbreviations, colloquial or foreign words, and even, for example, the name of the “ESC” key or the direction “NNW” as hidden words (north-north-west).

An American crossword puzzle is a classic crossword puzzle that has a rectangular box of cells instead of a grid, and the definitions are tied to specific horizontal and vertical lines, but the exact position of the answers is unknown. As a rule, the length and order of responses to lines, so that the original crossword puzzle grid can be found by a method similar to the solution Japanese puzzles. Grid symmetry may make the solution easier, but usually it doesn’t respected. This puzzle is very popular, and there are publications dedicated to exclusively to American crosswords and American crosswords (variation with more dense grid and definitions in the »scanword» style).

Ответы на American Crossword «Cossack chieftain»

Answer to American Crossword «Cossack chieftain»

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  1. Dear_Feya
    3 February 2022 в 12:42
    39 по горизонтали - бог войны в греческой мифологии - правильный ответ АРЕС (а не АреЙ).
    1. 3 February 2022 в 19:11
      39 по горизонтали - бог войны в греческой мифологии - правильный ответ АРЕС (а не АреЙ).
      Dear_Feya, согласно Википедии у бога войны есть два имени Аре́с или Аре́й (др.-греч. Ἄρης, микен. a-re) — в древнегреческой мифологии — бог войны. Входит в состав двенадцати олимпийских богов, сын Зевса и Геры.

      Арей (Арес) – бог войны и заодно бог мира. Сын бога огня неба Сварги и Матери-Земли. Самый храбрый и жестокий к врагам света и добра.
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