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How to solve a Scandinavian crossword?
To solve the Scandinavian crossword, you need to “click” on one of the questions in the green box of the scanword, after which all cells that correspond to the answer to this question will be marked in yellow. You can use the keyboard to fill in the scanword boxes you marked.
Further left-clicking on the selected cells of the scanword will lead to an alternate change in the horizontal and vertical selection of the word. To edit your answers, «click» the mouse on the appropriate box in the scanword.
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Online Arrow word «Governor in Egypt» to solve for free
How to solve a Scandinavian crossword?
To solve the Scandinavian crossword, you need to “click” on one of the questions in the green box of the scanword, after which all cells that correspond to the answer to this question will be marked in yellow. You can use the keyboard to fill in the scanword boxes you marked.
Further left-clicking on the selected cells of the scanword will lead to an alternate change in the horizontal and vertical selection of the word. To edit your answers, «click» the mouse on the appropriate box in the scanword.
Answer to Arrow word «Governor in Egypt»
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