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Color Nonogram «Cathedral» разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Color Nonogram «Cathedral»

Section: Цветные японские кроссворды
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Views: 13 719
Date: 10-04-2018, 06:58
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Solution Color Nonogram «Cathedral» free online

Color Griddlers are solved on the same principle as black and white. The difference is as follows: between multi-colored groups of cells, separating (empty) cells may be absent.

Color Nonogram (Japanese colored crosswords, Picross, Griddlers, hanjie, Paint-by-Number)

For those who are tired of solving original Nonograms in strict black and white colors, a color version was invented. In some ways, this view is more complicated, since you have to follow not only the correctness of the points, but also their color. On the other hand, it is easier to decipher the picture, since you can logically continue the color series in the picture.

This section contains only the best Japanese crosswords in colors of different difficulty levels, so that you can easily solve and solve them online or print your favorite logic puzzle.

What will be needed to solve Color Nonograms?

To solve the colorful Japanese crosswords, you will need:

Desire to play;
A little patience;
Logical thinking;
Good mood.
Good luck to everyone and the right decisions!

Ответы на Color Nonogram «Cathedral»

Answer to Color Nonogram «Cathedral»

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  1. 19 November 2021 в 13:07
    Текст сообщения: Реклама з правого боку екрану закриває частину кросворду і унеможливлює розв'язування ((
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