New Number Crossword 13x13 01.07 solve free online
The cross-number puzzle (also known as cross-configuration, figure logic, or number lock puzzle) looks like a crossword puzzle, but numbers are used in the grid instead of words. The solver or crossword puzzle of cross numbers can find all the possibilities of filling the grid with numbers so that all statements about these numbers are true.
Many puzzles with numbers, which at first glance do not look like puzzles with numbers, can be formulated as puzzles with numbers and, therefore, can be solved using a cross-number solver.
Because in the puzzle with cross numbers we are looking for not words consisting of letters, but numbers, the positions of these unknown numbers are marked with letters. There is no zero in this multi-number puzzle. "Palindrome" is a number that does not change if its numbers are reversed, for example: 161.
A solution can be found either by evaluating the following statements and thorough reflection, or by using a cross-number solver.
Switching from horizontal to vertical and vice versa is done by pressing the active (darkest) cell or the space bar again.
Using the “Check” [/ b] button, you can check whether you have found the right solutions in the whole puzzle. When the box turns green, the decision is right. If the field turns red, then this is the wrong letter. By clicking on the field in the diagram, you will return to the diagram and will be able to continue solving the puzzle with numbers.
If you can’t find out which number to enter in the field, press the [b]"Number" button under the riddle, and we will inform you. what letter to enter in this field.
When you press "Print", you can print the unfinished puzzle with numbers.