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Futoshiki 5x5 #1 Hard

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 3 927
Date: 16-06-2020, 10:31
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Футошики #1 Трудный (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 5х5

Futoshiki 5x5 #1 Hard (Hutosiki, Hutoshiki) play online for free

Futoshiki (inequality) is a number puzzle in which a field chart of size n must have a completed number, so that in each row and in each column there is a number from 1 to n.

The numbers in the same row and column will not be repeated. Between the fields there may be signs of a minority or majority, which determine the relationship between the numbers contained in the fields adjacent to these signs.

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