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Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 6 разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 6

Section: Killer Sudoku
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Views: 6 111
Date: 18-12-2020, 19:21
Next Нерегулярный Сумдоку 9х9 7 Следующая и Предыдущая головоломка Нерегулярный Сумдоку 9х9 4 Previous

Rules and solutions Irregular Sumdoku 9x9 6 (Sums Sudoku, Sums Number Place, Samunamupure, Kikagaku Nampure) play solve free online

Killer Sudoku is a combination of Sudoku and Kakuro. Thus, there are demarcated areas where there can be no repeated numbers and the sum of which must give the indicated value.

How to play "Killer Sudoku" online

Complete all positions with 1-9 following the following rules:

- do not repeat the numbers in the same row or column;
- do not repeat the numbers in groups 3x3;
- do not repeat the numbers in the red blocks. The sum of these numbers must give the indicated value.

Click on the number you want to choose and then click on the box you want to place the number on.

See more games from

math, numbers, sudoku, logic, reasoning

Ответы на Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 6

Answer to Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 6

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  1. Carole Beckenhauer
    1 June 2021 в 00:34
    Where are the solutions
  2. 1 June 2021 в 12:17
    Where are the solutions
    Hello Carole Beckenhauer. The solutions for this sumdou have been added, you can see them by clicking on "Answer to Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 6"
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