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Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 8 разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 8

Section: Killer Sudoku
(8 голосов) Do you like the puzzle? Do not forget to “like”.
Views: 7 696
Date: 19-06-2021, 10:05
Next Следующая и Предыдущая головоломка Нерегулярный Сумдоку 9х9 7 Previous

Welcome to this gorgeous section of sumdooku puzzles selected for your enjoyment!

Irregular Sumdoku 9x9 8 solve online for free

The rules of Sumdoku (Killer Sudoku, Irregular Blocks Jigsaws) are very simple and are described below:

- Place each number from 1 to 9 exactly once in each row, column and 3x3 bold box containing each grid
- The grid also contains sets of cells within dashed lines (called "cells").
- Each of these cells contains a number. It is the sum of cells within a cell. Therefore, 4 'means that the cells in this cell are 4. The number cannot be repeated in the cell.

The section contains puzzles of various difficulty levels. Think you are ready to solve this problem? Let him know and let us know how you are doing! Can you hack all levels and become the ultimate Sudoku master? Good luck and happy decision!

If you want to try a few puzzles before solving the hard ones, follow the link below: Sumdoku

How heavy is Irregular Sumdooku?

The site contains puzzles with a variety of difficulty - ranging from easy and moving to difficult puzzles on the back. They are all solvable using logical strategies, and you never have to guess. The necessary strategies will be familiar to anyone who has solved Sudoku puzzles before, for example, in a newspaper - each puzzle has a single unique solution that can be achieved without incredibly difficult rules. If you are not familiar with the rule 45, then it is worth reading about it before solving some of the more difficult puzzles, as this rule will help solve them.

Ответы на Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 8

Answer to Irregular Killer Sudoku 9x9 8

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  1. 17 February 2022 в 08:44
    Текст жалобы: нигде нет решения данных сумдоку они очень интересные. но заходишь в тупик и хочется подсмотреть правильное решение. но увы...
    Добавили Ответы на Нерегулярный Сумдоку 9х9 8, приятного разгадывания...
  2. Гость Ольга
    18 June 2023 в 16:42
    Добрый день, в ваших ответах на диагональные сумдоку красным выделена та цифра, с которой начинается решение данного сумдоку?
    1. 19 June 2023 в 09:30
      Добрый день, в ваших ответах на диагональные сумдоку красным выделена та цифра, с которой начинается решение данного сумдоку?
      Здравствуйте, Ольга. Выделена последняя цифра, а начинать решение можно с любой стороны сетки сумдоку...
  3. Гость Ольга
    19 June 2023 в 09:45
  4. Гость Ольга
    24 July 2023 в 10:16
    Здравствуйте, можно получить ответ на диагональный сумдоку 1? Спасибо заранее
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