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Masyu 8x8 #4 Light

Section: Masyu
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Views: 4 709
Date: 28-12-2019, 20:56
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Ожерелье 8х8 #4 Легкий (Masyu, Black & White Pearls) - Размер: 8х8

Online puzzle Masyu 8x8 #4 Easy to solve online free puzles Mashi free online

The environment allows the user to type logical names for bridges (for example, Mashi, {White | Black}, Pearls, ...)
Draw a line in the grid. The line can only work horizontally and vertically and must go through all the circles.

In cells with a black circle, it should rotate at an angle of 90 degrees and go straight at least to another cell.

The line should go straight through the empty circles, but turn left or right in at least one of the neighboring cells. There is no need to go through all the cells.

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