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Super Samurai Sudoku 6 Easy

Section: Samurai Sudoku
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Views: 2 006
Date: 29-04-2022, 10:59
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Супер-самурай судоку #6 Легкий (Super Samurai, Gattai-8)

New puzzle "Super Samurai Sudoku" 6 Easy to solve online for free

Some people find Super Samurai Sudoku puzzles too big;
Some other people prefer even bigger puzzles.

If you belong to the second category, here's an overlapping Sudoku puzzle: 8 Grid Sudoku (Gattai-8) is laid out in a 4-place Samurai Sudoku format. Basically, there are 8 Sudoku puzzles that intersect in the same way as in "Samurai Sudoku". So it's like 4 Samurai Sudokus on top of each other! Or, 2 Sudoku Harakiri puzzles side by side!

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