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Neighbours 9x9 #2 Very Hard разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Neighbours 9x9 #2 Very Hard

Section: Neighbours
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Views: 6 579
Date: 27-04-2017, 07:05
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Судоку Соседи #2 Очень Трудный (Neighbors, Nachbarn) Размер: 9х9

Neighbours 9x9 #2 Very Hard (another name is Neighbours, Nachbarn) play free online


It is a kind of 2d sudoku.

In this variant of the puzzle there are additional conditions:

In adjacent cells, separated by a bold line, there are consecutive numbers.
Numbers between which there is no line cannot be consistent.
The task is to enter numbers from 1 to 9 into the cells of the cells so that each number meets only once in each horizontal row, in each vertical column.

Available size is 9x9.

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