Русский Українська

Squirrel Nonogram разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Squirrel Nonogram

Section: Japanese crosswords
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Views: 6 087
Date: 5-07-2021, 21:36
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Nonogram Squirrel 35x25 - In the Japanese version of the crossword puzzle, black cells should not touch the sides (and
that means there should not be blocks of black cells - accordingly, the density of the mesh is also approaching the scanword) and the corner cells of the grid should be white (so the grid necessarily remains a strict rectangle).
Obviously the answers fit in Japanese, that is, canoe and (less commonly) hieroglyphs. Therefore, even “two-celled” words are permissible.

"Crosswords" in Russian-language entertainment newspapers are often called puzzles, in which words do not intersect (and this is the main rule of the crossword puzzle) or there are no words at all (as in the so-called "Japanese crosswords").

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