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Christmas Mosaik Fill-a-Pix разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Christmas Mosaik Fill-a-Pix

Section: Picross
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Views: 4 954
Date: 25-12-2021, 06:30
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Японская мозаика "Рождество" • Размер: 20x20

New online puzzle Mosaik Christmas 20x20 (Fill-a-Pix) solve online for free

Japanese Mosaic ("Nurye's Puzzle", "Puzzle Nampre") is a logic puzzle, a grid of 20x20 which contains the design of the picture, encoded with numbers.
Each number in a cell indicates the number of cells adjacent to it (including the cell containing the number) that you want to paint. For example, if a square contains zero, this means that both the cell itself and its neighbors must remain white.

In this puzzle, a picture is encrypted using numbers.

Each of the numbers means how many neighboring cells you need to paint over (taking into account the one with the number). If a cell contains zero, then neither this cell nor its neighbors will be painted over.

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