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Online puzzles for children «Brawl stars» разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Online puzzles for children «Brawl stars»

Section: Puzzles
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Views: 6 719
Date: 26-12-2020, 19:44
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New online puzzles on the theme «Brawl stars» for children to collect for free with hints for the time

Online Puzzles are very popular logic games. There are different types and varieties of puzzles. Only one kind of puzzle is presented here, which is the most famous. It is the integration of two or more 2D elements on which a small portion of the original image is drawn to produce the complete original image. Elements are formed by drawing the original image on an orthogonal panel and then sliced ​​into many smaller rectangular pieces of the same size, the so-called tiles.

Online puzzles for children «Brawl stars»

The tiles are arranged in random order on the board, and the player solving the puzzle must reach the original image by folding the selected tiles.

The puzzle that can be solved in this way is called "Puzzle". The order of the randomly placed tiles on the board can be changed by hiding one tile and getting a free space on the board.

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  1. Лёша
    18 January 2023 в 18:44
    Ничего нету.
    1. 19 January 2023 в 11:31
      Ничего нету.
      Лёша, для того чтобы начать складывать онлайн пазлы - нужно кликнуть по одной из картинок, после чего откроется страница с этим пазлом. Для начала игры онлайн выберите количество частей пазла (от 10 до 110) и нажать кнопку "Перемешать". Если будут вопросы, можно почитать мануал нажав на кнопку "Справка". Приятного времяпровождения...
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