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Sudoku X 16x16 #3 Easy разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Sudoku X 16x16 #3 Easy

Section: Sudoku Sudoku X
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Views: 5 835
Date: 12-01-2021, 10:48
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Судоку Х #3 (Судоку Диагональ, Sudoku X) "Легкий" • Размер: 16х16

New puzzle DIAGONAL Sudoku X 16x16 #3 Easy to play online for free

These sudoku variants are only offered in 4x4 (16 squares) as the examples below show.
This is a variant where the diagonals must also contain the numbers 1-16 in addition to all vertical and horizontal rows, as well as each 4x4 box, must contain the numbers 1-16 once. This sudoku variant is no worse to solve than a standard sudoku puzzle.

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Answer to Sudoku X 16x16 #3 Easy

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