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Frame Sudoku 9x9 #8 разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Frame Sudoku 9x9 #8

Section: Sudoku Frame Sudoku
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Views: 6 011
Date: 30-03-2017, 05:27
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Числовой кроссворд Судоку Рама #8 • Размер: 9х9

Rules and decisions of Frame Sudoku 9x9 #8

The passionate architect Sudoku planned the cities based on his favorite pastime and arranged the buildings in rows and columns.
This is a matter of restructuring cities, inserting numbers in the fields that indicate the floors of each building.
As in Sudoku, the same number cannot be repeated in a row, column or field.
In addition to extension numbers, there is also a second type of prompt, which must be interpreted by changing the point of view.
If we go outside and look inside, the tallest buildings cover the smaller ones.
The numbers in the outer corona indicate how many structures the observer can see from this field along one row or column.

Ответы на Frame Sudoku 9x9 #8

Answer to Frame Sudoku 9x9 #8

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