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Tents 10x10 #3 Light

Section: Tents
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Views: 3 853
Date: 5-06-2020, 20:43
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Лагерь #3 Легкий (Tents, Tents and Trees) - Размер: 10x10

Tents 10x10 #3 Light - (other names are Tents and Trees, Zeltlager, Zeltplatz, Camping) puzzle solve online for free

This puzzle is a rectangular grid, some cells of which contain “trees”.

The task is to set up a “camp” - to place “tents” in certain cells according to the rules indicated below.

Tents puzzle Rules:

The number of tents in the camp is equal to the number of trees.
Each tent must be located next to “your” tree horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally. If this condition is met, the location relative to the “alien” trees does not matter
Two tents cannot be located nearby, including diagonally.
The number of tents located in a row or column of the grid is determined by the number located near the corresponding row or column.

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