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Tents 12x12 #3 Light

Section: Tents
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Views: 2 477
Date: 23-08-2021, 06:08
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Лагерь #3 Легкий (Tents, Tents and Trees) - Размер: 12x12

Online puzzle Tents 12x12 #3 Light (Tents, Tents and Trees, Zeltlager, Zeltplatz, Camping) has a rectangular grid, some of the boxes have "trees". "Tents" should be placed next to trees according to the following rules:

  • The number of tents is equal to the number of trees.
  • Each tent is located next to "its" tree horizontally and vertically, but not diagonally. This rule is observed, the relationship with other trees does not matter.
  • Two tents must not stand diagonally in adjacent squares.
  • The numbers to the left and above the net indicate the number of curtains that are in this row or column.

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