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Word Search «Krylov» разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Word Search «Krylov»

Section: Word search
(7 голосов) Do you like the puzzle? Do not forget to “like”.
Views: 4 930
Date: 2-07-2020, 15:47
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Word Search «Krylov» (Филворд, Word Finder, Word Seek, Word Sleuth, Mystery Word, Wortsuchrätsel) to solve online for free

A word puzzle called Word Search (Search for the word or Word Finder) can be known from a newspaper or magazine. We adapt them to your interests but for solving online or free download and printing.

When searching for words, the requested words have already been entered. You need to decide how to cross them from left to right and vice versa, from top to bottom and vice versa, as well as diagonally from top right to bottom left or vice versa. Letters can be used more often. Words are given on the right in alphabetical order and usually have a subject, but not always.

When all words in the grid are highlighted / found, to check the correctness of their filling, press the button "Check" and all incorrectly selected words will become unmarked. They form a solution for finding words from top to bottom and from left to right. It's nice that we have a standard word search, but we also give you the opportunity to see Answers and Solution.

Ответы на Word Search «Krylov»

Answer to Word Search «Krylov»

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