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Yin Yang 10x10 #1 Medium

Section: Yin Yang
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Date: 28-04-2022, 12:56
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Инь Ян #1 Средний (Yin Yang) - Размер: 10х10

New online puzzle Yin Yang 10x10 #1 Medium (Yin Yang) solve for free with answers

Most puzzles of this kind strongly require a 1st color (traditionally pure white) to exist orthogonally adjacent, this would require a pair of colors. Otsedova and title.

The Essence of Solving the Yin-Yang Puzzle

Solve a Yin-Yang puzzle consisting of cells in a 10x10 rectangular table (playing field). Some cells contain circles of snow-white or dark colors.
The crossword puzzler will need to write down the quantities in all the cells of the table that contain snow-white or dark circles.

Yin-Yang puzzle rules

For the correct solution, it is necessary that the overflowed matrix satisfies the following conditions:
All snow-white cells and all dark cells are required to organize an orthogonally adjoining area.
All 2x2 areas are required to feed, according to the last measure, 1 circle of any color.

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