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Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Light

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 2 673
Date: 1-08-2021, 07:40
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Футошики #1 Легкий (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 6х6

New puzzle online Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Light (Futoshiki from Japanese, literally "not equal", also known like Hutoshiki, Unequal) is a logic puzzle.

The puzzle is played on a square grid like 6x6. The goal is to fit the numbers 1 through 6 (or any sizes) on each row, ensuring that each column also only contains the numbers 1 through 6.

Some Numbers may be indicated at the beginning. In addition, inequality constraints are also initially indicated between some squares, so that one must be higher or lower than its neighbor. These restrictions must be respected as the grid fills.

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