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Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Medium разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Medium

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 1 979
Date: 31-08-2021, 22:23
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Футошики #1 Средний (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 6х6

Rules for solving online puzzle Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Medium (Hutosiki, Hutoshiki):

FUTOSHIKI puzzles are built on square grids, usually 5x5 or 6x6 cells (although puzzles can be made in sizes from 4x4 to 8x8). To solve them, you must place the numbers in the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each number less than the size of the puzzle. In this respect, they are similar to Sudoku puzzles. To give a start to the solver, usually in Futoshiki's puzzle, several numbers will be revealed.
In addition, multiple pairs of adjacent cells will have characters inserted between them to indicate the relative sizes of the numbers in those cells.

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