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Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Hard разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Futoshiki 6x6 #1 Hard

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 1 982
Date: 14-09-2021, 08:30
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Футошики #1 Трудный (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 6х6

New 6x6 Futoshiki puzzle #1 Hard (another name: Futoshiki, Hutosiki, Hutoshiki) play online for free

In each row and column of the puzzle Futoshiki each number from 1 to N must be entered exactly once (N is the number of rows and columns).
Some of the fields are preceded by a relationship ("<" = less, ">" = more than), which must be considered when solving these puzzles. Thus, these characters indicate whether the number is greater or less than a particular adjacent row or column.

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