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Futoshiki 7x7 #1 Light

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 2 764
Date: 6-10-2021, 15:07
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Футошики #1 Легкий (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 7х7

Rules of the game online Logic puzzle Futoshiki 7x7 #1 Easy:

Also known as: (Futoshiki, Hutosiki, Hutoshiki)
The standard Futoshiki puzzle consists of a grid of squares separated by either spaces or inequalities: more characters (>) and fewer characters (<).

Futoshiki goal is simple: place the numbers 1 through 7 (or whatever the puzzle size) on the puzzle grid so that each number appears once in each row and column, and observes the inequalities.

Some numbers may already be given - they, together with the symbols of inequality, hold the puzzle back so that there is only one possible solution, which can always be reached with reasonable inference. You never need to guess.

We can supply Futoshiki puzzles in a wide range of sizes and possibly with some additional variations such as Futoshiki-X (with diagonal areas). We can also supply Unequality Sudoku, which is essentially a Futoshiki with extra cell areas, just like in regular Sudoku.

All of our puzzles are either completely handmade or have significant manual input into the process.

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