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Futoshiki 7x7 #1 Medium разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Futoshiki 7x7 #1 Medium

Section: Futoshiki
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Views: 2 008
Date: 28-04-2022, 13:23
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Футошики #1 Средний (Неравенство, Futoshiki, Unequal) - Размер: 7х7

Futoshiki's new online puzzle Futoshiki 7x7 #1 Medium (Futoshiki, Hutosiki, Hutoshiki) to play for free with answers

Insert numbers from one to seven in each row and each column, making sure that the number does not repeat in a particular row. The only symbols for you are the greater than and less than signs.

How to play Futoshiki online?

To play, place the cursor on the field by clicking on it, then click on the numbers or tap on your computer's numeric keypad. You can move the cursor using the arrow keys on your keyboard. To delete the number, press the cursor again. You can also enter a different number instead of the already entered number.

If there is more than one number in a row or column, they turn red.

If the numbers don't match the signs, the signs turn red. When a row or column of numbers is complete, an animation is played to show that it is good. The game ends after the completion of the full grid. The arrows allow you to undo or redo the latest entries.

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