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Christmas tree Japanese mosaic

Section: Picross
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Views: 3 505
Date: 18-12-2021, 11:53
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Японская мозаика "Ёлка" • Размер: 17x21

New online puzzle Japanese mosaic Christmas tree 17x21 (Drawing with paths, Mosaik, Fill-a-Pix) to solve online for free

In this puzzle, a picture is encrypted using numbers.

Each of the numbers means how many neighboring cells you need to paint over (taking into account the one with the number). If a cell contains zero, then neither this cell nor its neighbors will be painted over.

It's about getting a shape by shading a 17x21 grid. Each pair of equal numbers must connect to form a shaded path consisting of as many squares as indicated in the numbers they refer to (including the blocks that contain them). If there are more than two squares with the same number in the plot area, you must decide which ones to merge, bearing in mind that the shadows merge horizontally and vertically, not diagonally. When you can connect two numbers along different paths, consider the surrounding hatching, since the two roads never intersect. The game solution is unique.

We recommend starting by filling fields with "1", which have no partner and are always shaded, and continue with smaller numbers. We also recommend marking roads with a line and shading them only when they are definitely allowed.

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