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Кроссворд Математические термины разгадывать онлайн бесплатно

Кроссворд Математические термины

Раздел: Кроссворды на темы Кроссворды по математике
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Просмотров: 6 482
Дата: 21-05-2013, 21:08
Следующий Великие математики Следующий и Предыдущий кроссворды Предыдущий

В этом детском кроссворде вас ждет экскурс по теме Математические термины в области «королевы наук» - математике.

In this children's crossword you will digression on the subject of mathematical terms in the «queen of sciences» - Mathematics

2. One of the basic concepts of mathematics, expressing the dependence of certain variables on others. 5. The set of real numbers, satisfying the inequality x and b 7. One of the Cartesian coordinates of the point, usually the second, denoted by the letter y. 8. This is the basic position, a self-evident principle. 10. This is the way the image plane or spatial figures. 12. This is a mathematical statement, the truth of which is set out by the evidence. 13. Geometric figure consisting of two rays with a common origin. 14. The constant when considering the mathematical and others. Processes. 17. Curve on plane, showing the dependence of the function of the argument. 18. This auxiliary proposition, is used in the proofs of other
statements. 19. One of the trigonometric functions.

1. A polyhedron, one of the faces of which - flat polygon, and the other side - the triangles with a common vertex. does not lie in the plane of the base. 3. Directed line segment. 4. The set of points in the plane that are at a given distance from a given point, which lies in the same plane, and called its center. 6. The portable computing device. 8. Science, studied the effect on numbers. 9. Part of mathematics that studies spatial relationships and shapes. 10. Equality between the two relationships of four variables. 11. The exponent m, which is necessary to build a well. to get N. 15. Unit of plane angle. 16. Side-angled triangle adjacent to the right angle.

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